Video Tutorials


Si buscas recursos para tus proyectos de ciencia de datos, este es tu sitio.
A través de video tutoriales, os muestro cómo realizar tareas de preparación, transformación y visualización de datos.


1 · Gather

How to go from a horizontal data structure to a vertical one through the gather() function in the tidyr package of R. Conceptual explanation and demonstration in RStudio.


2 · Pipeline

Pipelines are a structured and efficient way to build code in R. Here you will learn the concept and how to implement them in RStudio.


3 · Rowwise

Data analysis and transformation in R is very pleasant when working by columns. What happens when we want to make row based analysis? The Rowwise() function of the dplyr library comes to the rescue.


4 · Gtpackage

When working with data, sooner rather than later you will come across the need to share a table with a colleague, a report in a blog post… If RStudio is your tool of choice, you may have realised its tables are not very visually refined.


5 · Spread

The spread () function in the tidyr package allows to transform our data from a vertical to a horizontal structure. When multiples variables are covered in the same column and we need to separate them into multiple columns, spread() is our best ally. In this video you will learn the concept behind this function and its implementation in RStudio.


6 · Join

One of the most common activities in data science is joining 2 or more tables to enrich our data. Tables from different sources. RStudio helps with different variants of joint. In this video I explain the four different types of join and how to implement them in RStudio.


7 · Esquisse

Discover how to create magnificent graphs with ggplot in R in an easy manner (drag and drop). Create R code as if you were in Tableau. ggplot, rstudio, esquisse, esquisser, data science, productivity, learning, training, data. Drag and drop and esquisse creates the R code. All of it without leaving RStudio and without a single line of code.

